Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Still hung up in Vietnam...

Vietnam has, for a long time, been able to fend off China, and thus creating tensions between the two states. Vietnam is "cunning and duplicitous" in the eyes of China and China a bully to Vietnam. In recent times, Vietnam's economy is becoming reliant on China, adding pressure to a country trying to escape the looming shadow of tributary state. Vietnam needs to show its citizens that it will not kow tow to China, that Vietnam is not weak nor a subordinate to China.

Reading the comments are always bias, (insightful?), and most definitely fun.

 Commenter Gerald Breecher: I asked an educated Vietnamese in light of their history, who they hated more, the French or the Americans. His response: the Chinese ....

I thought this response comical because while we invaded for merely decades, China has been involved with Vietnam for centuries.


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