Sunday, January 25, 2015

and the West falls again to China...

Women have always been as important as men, although the rewards were not as great. The first article I found was very interesting. Despite the many men in China, the majority of billionaires are women. It is because the families that do decide to keep their daughter invest probably more into that child than those with sons. Moving on to my next article of bound feet, all I can think of are the women (feet bound) fleeing the Communist during the fight for Nationalism, fleeing the Japanese during WWII, how excruciating it might have been yet they continued on. It was so hard to abolish such a practice. During Manchurian rule, they didn't believe in foot-binding (of course being a foreign ruler), yet the practice still continued. During the Mao Dynasty, he sought to end foot-binding by making women unbind their feet. It didn't go as planned because unbinding bound feet was as bad as binding feet. At least he was able to keep the practice from continuing by making it punishable for adults to bind children's feet -- Thanks Mao!  However, it doesn't take you off the hook from all the atrocities you committed....It was hard to end a thousand year practice due to the investment women put into it. It is always hard to end a tradition no matter how much pain it causes.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Their Eyes Were Watching God"

All loyalties must lie with the state and with the leader who governs you. People are not free to practice religion in China. It is believed that if a higher presence commands you, the socialist government that runs China loses legitimacy. During the Tang Dynasty, religion was welcomed and played a vital role in daily life. It wasn't until the end of the dynasty did any foreign religion (Buddhism included) became repressed. When leaders feel threatened, religion is shunned. China today only allows certain religions (not even domestic religions are allowed without approval). The Communist Party leaders fear the loss of power to God and gods. The churches (especially Catholic churches) currently in China have ministers and church leaders loyal to the Communist Party, who makes sure the congregations does not profess loyalty to a higher, foreign authority.